Dance Me Outside

Dance Me Outside

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Movie at 7:00 pm | Doors open at 6:30 pm
Tickets: Pay what you can

On the Kidabanesee reserve in Northern Ontario lives Silas Crow (Ryan Black), a young man looking for direction in life. He is uncertain about taking an automobile mechanic’s course in college. 

His general confusion with life is most readily evident in his appearance. He wears an old ratty black fedora, a strange assortment of cargo pants, as well as a long, black trench coat. Frank Fencepost (Adam Beach) is Crow’s best friend, and Sadie Maracle (Jennifer Podemski) is his girlfriend.

A young girl from the reserve is murdered by Clarence Gaskill (Hugh Dillon); the white man’s sentence is light, leading the community to demand justice or vengeance.

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